No, these products won’t cure you. But I’ve found them to ease some of the side effect of treatment. Some of them make life for cancer cells a bit more miserable (which I admit, puts a sinister smile on my face). Plus, I’ll donate 10% of the proceeds I make from your purchase to the Breast Cancer Research Foundation. Take a look, kick some tires, read my reviews, reach out if you have questions. Then by all means, shop, shop, shop
Sign up for my monthly newsletter offering tips on dealing with uncertainty, building resilience and health news. I promise, what you share with me, stays with me, including your email address. Pinky swear.
I’m a writer, blogger, digital media marketer, aspiring novelist, article writer, serial entrepreneur, adventurer, investor and willing to try anything new. And if you can’t tell by my blog, I have incurable breast cancer. An enemy within that I fight every day to make peace with. If you’re up for the journey, sign up for my email list.
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